New Course: Health, Safety and Security in the Extractive Sector
Date: October 20-22, 2013
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Health, safety and security are some of the most severe outcomes that extractive industries face in international communities. In addition to their human toll, they can cause significant damage to company reputation worldwide.
International attention focuses on these risks through International Finance Corporation Performance Standard 4 on Community Health, Safety and Security; the Equator Principles; and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR). But managing them can be a serious challenge for operations managers, corporate directors, regulators and community advocates, due to gaps in knowledge and best practices.
Monkey Forest Consulting has launched an inaugural program that addresses the under-appreciated drivers that often trigger conflict, focusing on the linkage of health and community safety with company security. This program is appropriate for management-level extractive industry professionals who need to effectively identify and manage risk, and want to create opportunities for mutual benefits for company and community.
The curriculum will involve:
- Strategic Social Management
- Using the VPSHR framework to manage security and human rights risks
- Community Health and Safety
- Due Diligence and Assessments for Health, Safety and Security
Details and registration information is available through EduMine at the following link:
Monkey Forest has developed this course in collaboration with the University of British Columbia’s Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering and EduMine.